Japanese Lesson 16: Verb Conjugation of Group 1

Let’s learn verb conjugations of Group 1 today!

Group 1 Verbs
■ Forms
五段活用 godan-katsuyou
■ Following Other Words
■ The Classes of Godan-Katsuyou
1. カ行五段活用 Ends with “~く”
2. ガ行五段活用 Ends with “~ぐ”
3. サ行五段活用 Ends with “~す”
4. タ行五段活用 Ends with “~つ”
5. ナ行五段活用 Ends with “~ぬ”
6. バ行五段活用 Ends with “~ぶ”
7. マ行五段活用 Ends with “~む”
8. ラ行五段活用 Ends with “~る”
9. ワア五段活用 Ends with “~う”