Hi, I’m ojachan 🙂
I was a cram school teacher in Japan. I taught Japanese from elementary to junior high school students. Don’t you want to know how to learn Japanese like Japanese kids? I’ll teach you who start from beginner’s level Japanese.
Let’s get started!
Today’s lesson is; Japanese phonics 1 “濁音(だくおん)”
Have you ever seen the letter like “が ど で” ?
The double dots of the upper right side is called “daku-on”.
濁音 だくおん
か行、さ行、た行、は行 only become 濁音(だくおん) in Hiragana.
か行 k- → g- |
が ぎ ぐ げ ご |
ga gi gu ge go |
さ行 s- → z- |
ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ |
za *zi(ji) zu ze zo |
た行 t- → d- |
だ ぢ づ で ど |
da *di(ji) *du(zu) de do |
は行 h- → b- |
ば び ぶ べ ぼ |
ba bi bu be bo |
* I write in “日本式nihon-Shiki” basically because it’s easier understanding than “ヘボン式 hebon-shiki ( it’s regular Roman characters)”.
Vocabulary Words
*For mobile phone users → sorry, I think you can check these tables clearly from your PC or Tablet.
が | ぎ | ぐ | げ | ご |
学校 | 銀行 | 具材 | 現実 | 午後 |
がっこう | ぎんこう | ぐざい | げんじつ | ごご |
school | bank | ingredient | real | afternoon |
ざ | じ | ず | ぜ | ぞ |
財宝 | 自信 | 図鑑 | 税 | 象 |
ざいほう | じしん | ずかん | ぜい | ぞう |
treasure | confidence | encyclopedia | tax | elephant |
だ | ぢ | づ | で | ど |
大学 | 鼻血 | 缶詰め | 伝統 | 動画 |
だいがく | はなぢ | かんづめ | でんとう | どうが |
college | nosebleed | can | tradition | video |
ば | び | ぶ | べ | ぼ |
番号 | 美人 | 豚 | 弁当 | 冒険 |
ばんごう | びじん | ぶた | べんとう | ぼうけん |
number | beauty | pig | lunchbox | adventure |
Let’s Practice
Let’s practice to write 濁音. → CLICK HERE!
I recommend you to use this website. You can practice Hiragana and download handouts ALL FREE!

Your Homework
✏️Answer these questions in Japanese and comment to the below.
Find 5 vocabulary words with 濁音.
Okay, that’s all for today!
Good luck with your Japanese study 🙂
P.S. My English skill is not enough yet. Please correct me with DM from CONTACT if my English is wrong. Thank you for your cooperation!
Next Lesson is; CLICK HERE!
Japanese Lesson 4: Japanese Phonics 2 “半濁音(はんだくおん)” and little letters”拗音(ようおん)”
Previous Lesson is; CLICK HERE!
Japanese Lesson 2: How to Say Greetings in Japanese!