verb conjugation group 1

Japanese Lesson 16: Verb Conjugation of Group 1

Let’s learn verb conjugations of Group 1 today!

Group 1 Verbs
■ Forms
五段活用 godan-katsuyou
■ Following Other Words
■ The Classes of Godan-Katsuyou
1. カ行五段活用 Ends with “~く”
2. ガ行五段活用 Ends with “~ぐ”
3. サ行五段活用 Ends with “~す”
4. タ行五段活用 Ends with “~つ”
5. ナ行五段活用 Ends with “~ぬ”
6. バ行五段活用 Ends with “~ぶ”
7. マ行五段活用 Ends with “~む”
8. ラ行五段活用 Ends with “~る”
9. ワア五段活用 Ends with “~う”


Japanese Lesson 15: Intransitive Verbs vs Transitive Verbs ( Jidoushi vs Tadoushi )

Today’s lesson is: Intransitive Verbs and Transitive Verbs!

・自動詞 Intransitive verbs
1. Be careful for particles
2. Verbs Being Only Intransitive Verbs
■ Motion Verbs
■ Being Only Intransitive Verbs

・他動詞 Transitive Verbs

・How to Conjugate from Jidoushi to Tadoushi
1. 5-5 form
・-u 五段活用 → -asu 五段活用
・-ru 五段活用 → -su 五段活用
2. 5-eru form
・-aru 五段活用→ -eru 下一段活用
・-u 五段活用 → -eru 下一段活用
・-ru 五段活用 → -seru 下一段活用
・-waru 五段活用 → -eru 下一段活用
3. eru-5 form
・-eru 下一段活用 → -asu 五段活用
・-eru 下一段活用 → -u 五段活用
・-reru 下一段活用 → -su 五段活用
・-eru 下一段活用 → -yasu 五段活用
4. iru-5 form
・-iru 上一段活用 → -osu 五段活用
5. Others

Classifying Verbs thumbnail
JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Japanese Lesson 14: Verbs (with fully clear illustrations)

Today’s lesson is; Verbs
You can learn how to classify these verbs today!

・What’s the verb?
・Intransitive Verbs and Transitive Verbs
・Conjugations of Verbs
・Classifying Verbs

Group 3. “kuru” and “suru”
■Compounded Verbs
■The answer of the question (Group 2)

Group 2. -ru Verb
1.Group 1 Verbs
2.Potential Verbs
THINK ① The verbs ending with “る” are …
THINK ② The verbs ending with “ -i sound” or “-e sound” are…
THINK ③ When I remove the exceptions…
■The answer of the question (Group 2)

Group 1. -u Verb
■The answer of the question (Group 1)
THINK ① 楽しめる 帰る 読める 入る
THINK ②  住む 楽しむ 働く 読む

・Complete Roadmap to Classify Verbs
・Verbs QUIZ
・Do your homework and submit it to the comment below!

JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Minna no Nihongo 21: Watashi wa Onigiri wo Kai ni Ikimasu

Today’s lesson is; Watashi wa Onigiri wo Kai ni Ikimasu
You can learn how to use 2 verbs in a sentence today!

・わたしは Nを V に 行きます。
・ Most common Vocabulary Words of “〜に 行きます。”
・ A Tons of Ways to Use 「遊ぶ」
・わたしは Nを V1 V2 ます / ました。
・Most common Vocabulary Words of “V1 V2ます。”
・“V1 V2ます” QUIZ
・Do your homework and submit it to the comment below!

JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Minna no Nihongo 20: Watashi wa Tomodachi ga Hoshii desu

Today’s lesson is; Watashi wa Tomodachi ga Hoshii desu
You can learn how to use “want” in a sentence today!

・わたしは Nが 欲しいです。
・ V (masu-form) + たいです。
・ Words of Verb masu-form
・How to say “something” “anything” “nothing and “everything”
・“Want” in Japanese QUIZ
・Do your homework and submit it to the comment below!

natsu wa fuyu yori atsui desu
JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Minna no Nihongo 19: Natsu wa Fuyu yori Atsui desu

Today’s lesson is; Natshi wa Fuyu yori Atsui desu
You can learn comparative sentences today!

・Aは Bより 形容詞です。
・わたしは Bより Aが 好きです。
・Cで Aが いちばん 形容詞です。
・Aは Bと 同じくらい 形容詞です。
・Vocabulary Words of Lesson 12.
・Adjective Words
・「好き」と「嫌い」aren’t verbs?
・Comparative QUIZ
・Do your homework and submit it to the comment below!

watashi wa nihongo wo benkyoushimasu 1
JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Minna no Nihongo 17: Watashi wa Nihongo wo Benkyoushimasu

Today’s lesson is; Watashi wa nihongo wo benkyoushimasu
You can learn how to make a present sentence with the object here!
・1. Sは Nで Oを Vます。
・ Sは Lで Oを Vます。
・Sは Pに Oを Vます。
・ basic vocabulary words with masu form
・You can learn languages of the world in Japanese
・You can challenge Quizzes “SはOをVます。”
・Do your Homework and submit it to the comment below!