JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Minna no Nihongo 15: Chiba ni Ikimasenka

Chiba ni Ikimasenka

Hi, I’m ojachan 🙂 Today’s lesson is; 【第6課】 Lesson 6. Chiba ni Ikimasenka

I was a cram school teacher in Japan. I taught Japanese from elementary to junior high school students. Don’t you want to know how to learn Japanese like Japanese kids? This lesson is meant for students that are beginners at Japanese. 

Let’s get started!

⭐️This lesson is following the textbook “Minna no Nihongo”. (*not perfectly)

⭐️I’m going to give a lesson easier to understand for Japanese learners without following textbook’s orders.

Key Phrases

一緒に 行きませんか
Issho ni Ikimasenka

I’m going to teach how to say Invitation Sentence today! You can learn “ Let’s ~.” or “Why don’t we~?”  in Japanese here.

1. Ikimasenka

⭐️行きませんか is polite sentence like “Why don’t we go somewhere?”

行きませんか looks like a negative sentence but it’s not. It’s traceable of Japanese cultural things. It’s based on not telling things directly. So, we use negative + interrogate sentence on purpose.

This nuance is included in 行きませんか; 

“I suppose you don’t come maybe. But I wanna go with you if you don’t mind.” 

2. Ikimashou

⭐️行きましょう is casual sentence like “let’s go somewhere.”.

you can use this sentence both superior and inferior anybody else casually. It’s directer expression than “行きませんか”.

一緒に 千葉に 行きませんか。
いっしょに ちばに いきませんか
issho ni Chiba ni ikimasenka
Why don’t we go to Chiba together?

どこに 行きますか?
どこに いきますか
dokoni ikimasuka
Where do we go?

ディズニーランドに 行きます。
でぃずにーらんどに 行きます。
disnii rando ni ikimasu
We’ll go to Disney Land

午後2時に 空港で 会いましょう。
 ごごにじに くうこうで あいましょう
gogo niji ni kuukou de aimashou
Let’s see in the airport at 2 pm

ディズニーランドで チュロスを 食べましょう。
でぃずにーらんどで ちゅろすを たべましょう
disney land de churosu wo tabemashou
Let’s eat churros in Disney Land.
Ikimashou Let’s~.Ikimasenka Why don’t we~?
遊びに 行きましょう。
あそびに いきましょう。
asobini ikimashou
Let’s hangout. 

一緒に 休憩しましょう。
いっしょに きゅうけいしましょう
issho ni kyuukei shimashou
Let’s take a break.

お茶 しましょう。
おちゃ しましょう
ocha shimashou
Let’s drink some tea / coffee.
遊びに 行きませんか。
あそびに いきませんか。
asobini ikimasenka
Why don’t we hang out?

一緒に 休憩しませんか。
いっしょに きゅうけいしませんか
issho ni kyuukei shimasenka
Why don’t we take a break?

お茶を しませんか。
おちゃ しませんか
ocha shimasenka
Why don’t we drink some tea /coffee.

Vocabulary Words

休憩きゅうけいkyuukeitotake a break
パスするぱすするpasusuruto pass
⭐️遠慮するえんりょするenryosuruI don’t want to do~ (polite)
飲むのむnomuto drink
お茶おちゃochatea / coffee
⭐️山々やまやまyamayamaa lot


1. Agreement


Sounds good.


Of course.

That would be great!

With pleasure.

2. Disagreement

■ Honne to Tatemae

Disagreement is difficult for Japanese learners.

If you study Japanese, you should know our culture or our spirit “本音と建前 honne to tatemae”  which means inner thoughts and outward appearance.

And this concept is the most important if you want to build a good relationship with the Japanese people.

The keyword of Japanese people is “Guessing and Sympathizing”.

You know we often omit the subject when we make a sentence. We don’t take the trouble to tell the things which the listener can imagine.

Never tell the truth if you want to say negative things to the listener. The listener will think you are rude or will feel bad.

If you directly say ;


that is really bad. Some Japanese people don’t like this concept though… 

すみません、ちょっと 忙しいです。
sumimasen chotto isogashii desu
Sorry, I’m a little bit busy.

ごめんなさい、その日は 予定が あります。
gomennasai sonohi wa yotei ga arimasu
I’m sorry, I’ve already got a plan that day.

行きたいのは 山々 ですが、その日は 予定が あります。
ikitainowa yamayama desuga sonohi wa yoteiga arimasu
I really want to go but I’ve already got a plan.

■ Useful Sentence

However, perhaps you don’t want to tell a lie to the listener. In this case, there are very useful sentences you should memorize.

今回は パスさせて ください。
konkai wa pasu sasete kudasai
I’ll pass this time.

⭐️今回は 遠慮します。
konkai wa enryo shimasu
I’m sorry, I can’t make it this time.

⭐️It’s very useful and very polite. You can use it on business scene too!

Let’s Practice

Your Homework

✏️Answer these questions in Japanese and comment  below.

一緒に 日本語を 勉強 しませんか。

Okay, that’s all for today! Good luck with your Japanese study 😉


Amazon Reviews:★★★★

Publisher:3 A corporation (2nd Edition)

P.S. My English skill is not enough yet. Please correct me with DM from CONTACT if my English is wrong. Thank you for your cooperation!

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Minna no Nihongo 16: Anata wa Nani wo Tabemashitaka

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Minna no Nihongo 14: Watashi wa Osaka ni Ikimashita